Monday, 21 October 2019


The main Facebook page will continue to be out of use for the rest of this week thanks to a shocking act of censorship last Friday.  We will remain on the backup page during this period and possibly beyond.  We were ticking along quite nicely up to this point, but even with no new posts since Friday we are still receiving huge traffic and, remarkably, post engagement has shown a small increase on last week's figures.  As we are now using the backup page new likes and follows will hopefully balloon in the week ahead.

We will be adding a fifth weekly article to the blog later this week.  Each Thursday (up to and possibly beyond the next general election) we will be compiling a report focusing on a different mainland city each week.  This will not include London at present, given its huge size and no less than 73 constituencies.  Instead we will begin this Thursday with a focus on Birmingham, its ten constituencies and MPs.  The weekly line up now looks like this:

Thursday:  Focus On...
Friday:  Council By-Elections
Saturday:  Week In Cartoons
Sunday:  Most Shared
Monday:  Campaign Stats

Despite the setback on social media, thanks for continuing to make this campaign a success and don't forget to chuck a couple of quid in the online tin if you can.


444,897 total page views (+2,154)


90,316 likes (+240)
95,346 follows (+247)

5,302 most shared post (+1,176)
26 number of posts

958,330 post reach (-65,923)
296,892 post engagement (+19,320)

Facebook (backup page)

3,411 likes (+194)
3,619 follows (+204)


525 followers (+11)


136 subscribers (+6)

Figures correct at time of publishing.