Social media was absolutely saturated with election stuff last week, but we still managed to squeeze through with a slew of memes and videos. While social media was a slog, the blog received record traffic, due in no small part to Richey's eight hour overnight election coverage.
Thanks to a Facebook appeal we received two £5 donations and we're very grateful. The truth is that won't even pay for our domain name next year, let alone support Richey to continue doing this full-time. If every one of our Facebook followers chucked a quid in each month we would not only be able to continue, we could employ three or four others! So if you can find a spare quid or two each month please set up a regular donation via PayPal here or click the donate button on the right hand side of the page.
519,240 total page views (+24,698)
96,344 likes (+312)
101,986 follows (+338)
2,967 most shared post (-5,058)
54 number of posts
1,834,224 post reach (-723,367)
572,461 post engagement (-380,308)
Facebook (backup page)
5,192, likes (+87)
5,510 follows (+93)
845 followers (+18)
237 subscribers (+11)
Figures correct at time of publishing.