Tuesday 18 June 2024


Rosie Duffield and Lord Cashman

The hate campaign against unapologetic Labour feminist Rosie Duffield has picked up pace during the current election. Last weekend she pulled out of hustings events in her Canterbury constituency on safety grounds and blamed 'the actions of a few fixated individuals' who had ramped up their campaign during the election.

Duffield has been the focus of trans activists for some years now, given her steadfast attitude to women's rights.  Earlier this month a 31-year-old was given a suspended sentence for online death threats against Duffield and the author JK Rowling.  In a witness statement, Duffield told the court that the threats had made her feel 'nervous walking around her constituency'.

Given that quite chilling background, one would be forgiven for thinking that her colleagues would be rallying around her.  Not so, in fact there has been a deafening silence from a party that has thrown women under the bus.  Even the likes of previously avowed feminists like Jess Phillips and Stella Creasy have not uttered a word of public condemnation of Duffield's treatment.  Step forward Labour peer Lord Cashman, who has offered condemnation... of Duffield herself!

The former EastEnders actor turned gay rights activist referred to Duffield as 'frit, or lazy' in response to a tweet from BBC journalist Victoria Derbyshire (see below).  Given recent events, on top of the murder of two MPs in the last eight years, if anyone has reason to be 'frit' it's Duffield.  In a separate tweet, he also called on her to 'stand down if she won't face constituents'.  If she were to stand down, go away and shut up, it would give trans extremists like Cashman great satisfaction and the bullies would be victorious.

Cashman later deleted the tweet and issued an apology the following day, in which he could not even bear to refer to Duffield by name: "I apologise unreservedly for a post that I put out regarding the Labour candidate for Canterbury.  I fully understand any complaints that will be sent to the Labour party."  Whether complaints were sent or not, on Monday the party whip was suspended from Cashman.  We suspect that the whip will be restored as quietly as possible at some point after the forthcoming election.

Cashman has been embroiled in various online spats over the years, including a recent exchange with fellow gay actor James Dreyfus.  The array of flags featured in his profile name show that Cashman is fully on board with trans ideology.  The order of the flags after his name go like this: Ukraine-trans-gay pride-Irish Republic-EU-Union flag.  Saving Britain for last sums up his party.

As Duffield herself pointed out, Cashman has never been an MP and is unaware that many candidates do not attend hustings events.  The Londoner skipped the traditional route for a political career when he was parachuted into the European Parliament as a West Midlands MEP in 1999.  Upon leaving that role in 2014 he was given a life peerage and sat as a Labour peer until 2019, when he left the party for three years in a tantrum over Brexit.  Following his suspension, he will again sit as a non-affiliated peer until he is readmitted or joins another party.

It remains to be seen how long Rosie Duffield will hold out in this despicable party.  One X user described the toxicity of the first hustings she missed over the weekend: "When her [Duffield's] apology was read out there was immediate toxic & personal yelling / argy bargy from people only attending to derail proceedings.  She made the right decision which allowed other candidates to be heard."   Hate is strong in the trans movement and it will only continue to grow until activists are dealt with properly, instead of being issued with suspended sentences or held up as 'stunning and brave'.  With a Labour landslide on the way, the law will soon be fully on their side.  That is, until an MP is murdered or seriously injured in the name of this twisted ideology.

Regardless of her political affiliation, Duffield's achievement in turning Canterbury red for the first time ever in 2017 - under Corbyn's leadership no less - is quite something.  In 2019 she inflated her wafer thin majority of 187 tenfold to 1,836, against the backdrop of Corbyn's disastrous election.

On July 4th she will go up against the following candidates:

Luke Buchanan-Hodgman (SDP)
Louise Harvey-Quirke (Con)
Bridget Porter (RefUK)
Henry Stanton (Grn)
Russ Timpson (LDem)

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