Friday 26 July 2024


In the social credit system espoused for us by globalist tyrants, we at BTLP would not be able to do a fat lot on Friday 5 July.  For that was the day that the Facebook censors attacked our backup page on an unprecedented scale.  Having spent weeks adding daily content to the page, Facebook swiped over a week's worth of content - and more - in one foul swoop.

The timing was very interesting, coming a day after the general election.  Did they deliberately hold off this mass cull until the election was over, thus avoiding any accusations of political interference?  Seems like a fair assumption.  The removed content dated back to June 15th.

This insidious act of censorship from a left-oriented big tech platform should come as no surprise, but we have never experienced it on this scale before.  We have had content removed in the past - that is, after all, why we have a backup page - but these previous 'violations' have always been isolated and singular.  We have never had multiple pieces of content swiped in one go, as we did on July 5th.

On that day, we were told that these 18 simultaneous 'violations' of Facebook's 'community standards' related to their rules on 'dangerous individuals and organisations'.  Really?

Firstly, Facebook would not identify which pieces of content they had removed, so we had to deduce this ourselves.  The most recent post they had removed was also the most telling, for it was merely a plea for donors and contained no political messaging at all.  On election day we shared our PayPal link alongside a message thanking supporters and asking if they would consider a small donation to help fund our ongoing campaign.  Who were the 'dangerous individuals and organisations' highlighted in this post?  It is simply preposterous.

Facebook removed our PayPal link.  Why?

Of the remaining 17 posts that were removed, 16 were original memes and there was one screenshot from X.  See if you can identify any 'dangerous individuals and organisations' from the deleted content published below...

A somewhat frivolous meme from election day.  The man in the
photo actually voted Green apparently, but is he dangerous?
Is Jeremy a dangerous individual?
If only!  Of these eight, unfortunately only Penny Mordaunt
lost her seat.  All these disciples of Davos and Bilderberg are
undoubtedly dangerous, but that's not the reason Facebook
censored this
Sadiq Khan enthusiastically embraced 'Pride' again, at odds with the culture
in which he was raised.  Khan and some of the freaks in this picture are
definitely dangerous
Another frivolous effort, but who or what is dangerous here?
A previously unpublished meme that Karl dug up from 2021.
It's fair to say there is one highly dangerous individual here, but
we are raising awareness - not promoting him!
There are neither dangerous individuals or organisations to speak of here. 
Whereabouts is this Westminster constituency of Palestine?  Indeed, but election
results show that  distant foreign wars are now a  major factor in our democracy
This was originally published in 2022, wasn't censored at the
time and is still online.  However, its unedited re-post in
2024 was apparently too dangerous
A jovial election post, featuring two potentially very dangerous
Game of Thrones characters (who are not real)
Keir Starmer is clearly a danger, he supported all that
scamdemic bunkum
Warning the British public about the bona fide danger of the
trans agenda should not be censored
David Tennant and Goodfellas, equally dangerous one might argue
How dare this ignorant black woman push back against
woke actor David Tennant, it must be totally dangerous
and she should just disappear (Facebook agrees)
A trio of very dangerous clowns, now running the country
Having, but not owning being a key word here.  Anyone who
points out who will be doing most of the having is apparently
very dangerous
Another re-post, originally from 2021, that is now deemed 'dangerous'
in 2024.  The absurdity is off the scale at this point
This final piece is very interesting, because it is the only material Facebook went
back beyond June 25th and deleted.  In fact, they went back another ten days and
ignored all the material posted between those dates just to get this David Icke
tweet taken down.  Very interesting...

Having now seen the censored material for yourselves, do you think Facebook did the right thing?  If you do, then you're on the wrong website.  The stifling of our speech threatens all speech and that is why we do not want to see left-wing pages closed down and/or censored - they have just as much right to exist as we do.  In a real democracy, built on Western values and freedom of expression, there should be no place for this totalitarian one-sided censorship.

Unfortunately, that is where we are now and that is the direction of travel on all establishment platforms - from MSM to social media giants like Facebook and YouTube.  Against this insidious background, Elon Musk's transformation of Twitter into the free speech platform X cannot be praised highly enough.

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