Saturday 13 July 2024


Starmer loved almost every minute in the limelight

Keir Starmer was clearly delighted to join other globalist puppets at the NATO war summit this week.  He was all smiles and nods as he mingled with Davos comrades, but none more so than with the current resident of the White House nursing home.  Sir Squeaky happily gave the media interview after interview detailing how he spent 'the best part of an hour' with Joe Biden, as opposed to the 45 minutes he was allocated.  Perhaps the extra 15 minutes came about because Sleepy Joe dozed off several times, or maybe it was the amount of times his brain shut down mid-sentence, rewound and tried to repeat coherently whatever garbled nonsense had just exited his mouth.

Who knows, but Starmer was clearly cock-a-hoop about spending time with his US counterpart and even found time for a GB News interview, alongside the Beeb, Sky, ITV and others.  The entire establishment media has recently declared that Joe might not be mentally cognitive enough to justify his position, having previously chosen to ignore an ever increasing litany of gaffes and falls.  Just as they had covered for Senile Joe over the last four years, it now fell to our new PM to cover for him.

"He was on good form" Starmer repeated in every single interview, sometimes more than once.  "Is he senile?" asked the Beeb's Chris Mason.  "No" replied Starmer in a not entirely convincing tone as he moved on within a millisecond.

Starmer's defence of Biden's mental agility bit him on the arse the moment Joe next hit the stage.  As the delegates gathered to hear from money launderer in chief - Volodymyr Zelenskyy - Biden introduced him as 'President Putin'.  The Ukrainian stood bemused for a few seconds, as Joe hastily rewound and corrected himself.  The humiliation, for both men, was there for the world to see.  The media can no longer hide Joe's decline any more, which is why they changed their tune following the car crash presidential debate between Biden and Trump earlier this month.

It would have been bad enough if that had been the end of it, but there was more to come later in the day.  As Biden attempted to field questions from journalists, he was asked if he felt his Vice President Kamala Harris would be up to the job of tackling Trump (the insinuation being that Joe fell by the wayside somehow).  Biden didn't take offence at the suggestion, but he got his names diametrically confused a second time in referring to his VP as 'Vice President Trump'.

The two incidents led to widespread mockery and will have done nothing to assuage wave upon wave of attack dogs baying for his exit from the presidential race.

As for Keir Starmer, the awkward questions didn't end with Joe's cognitive ability.  A couple of journalists pointed out that if Biden were a member of the House of Lords he would be kicked out under Labour plans to retire peers after their 80th birthday.  Joe is 81.

This article can be enjoyed in all its hilarious technicolour in the following YouTube compilation, enjoy...

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