Thursday 15 August 2024


It's been less than six weeks since Zuckerberg's thought police carried out their biggest strike yet on BTLP and they have struck again.  On Monday we were both met with warnings from Facebook in relation to a post we shared a day earlier, quoting Labour councillor Ricky Jones (see below).  This was flagged as 'something that could encourage violence' or be 'a direct threat to public safety'.  As any moron could see, quoting Cllr Jones was not designed to promote his words, but expose them.  We cannot speak for AI, but a human moderator would have known this.

Following the July 5th assault on our back-up page, we reverted back to our original Facebook page for the first time in three years.  The reason we established a back-up page and shifted content to it was for the very reason of repeated censorship strikes, that can lead to harsher measures.  Indeed, Karl now has some minor restrictions placed on his Facebook activity following this latest strike.

The 'offending' image in its entireity can be seen below, featuring Cllr Jones pictured alongside Angela Rayner and his vile quote...

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