Thursday 5 September 2024


Not for the first time at PMQs, Keir Starmer referred to his opposite number as 'Prime Minister' on Wednesday.  However, this time he called Rishi Sunak PM no less than five times.  His frontbenchers didn't bat an eyelid as he repeatedly referred to Sunak as 'Prime Minister' and strangely there appeared to be little response from the opposition benches, either.

It wasn't until his fifth PM reference that Starmer corrected himself, watch the clip below.

Contrast yesterday's bizarre performance from Starmer to the last time he referred to Sunak as PM - just two weeks ago.  There was much laughter as Starmer corrected himself with the quip: "Old habits die hard".  Watch below.

Is he subconsciously blaming Sunak and the Tories for the nanny state tyranny to come...

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