It was a very telling statement when Blackrock CEO Larry Fink said his powerful investment firm wanted to 'force behaviours' when it came to DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). This was way back in 2017 and since then the West has been sinking into a pit of ever more absurd social engineering. It should come as no great surprise to anyone with a basic knowledge of political history to find that wokeness - like the Marxism that pushes it - can only be implemented by force.
Last month a 17-year-old girl was charged by the Football Association in relation to 'transphobic' comments made during a match. The young female was reportedly upset that a much larger opponent - sporting a beard, allegedly - was participating in the female game. She is said to have asked him: "Are you a man", additionally remarking to team mates: "That's a man". She is also alleged to have told him: "Don't come here again".
Quite right, too!
The very few newspapers that carried this story made capital out of the girl's 'suspected autism', as if this might explain her actions. This is irrelevant - her behaviour should be celebrated and not explained away as if she was somehow in the wrong.
She is also said to have raised her concerns with the referee, following 'a number of overtly physical challenges'. And therein lies one of the main problems with the absurd acceptance that a man can be accepted in female sports just because he identifies that way. Men are overwhelmingly larger, faster and more powerful than females, raising legitimate safety concerns - both on and off the pitch. While the opposition team reported the girl for her 'transphobia', are those players all happy to share a shower with this biological male after the game?
The girl could be banned for up to 12 matches if found 'guilty', surely a deterrent to others and clearly 'forcing behaviours' as Larry Fink would no doubt be proud of...
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