Friday, 21 February 2025


We've not heard much from Labour's Paulette Hamilton since she was first elected to Parliament in 2022.  It was her selection for the Birmingham Erdington by-election that drew attention to her black power 'ballot or the bullet' speech in which she said: "I'm not sure we will get what we really deserve in this country using the vote".  Her predominantly white working class constituency wasn't swayed by the controversy and elected her to succeed the deceased Jack Dromey anyway, with an almost identical majority.  She went on to buck the urban trend in last year's general election, more than doubling her majority.

Paulette was back on our screens this week, appearing on Jeremy Vine's Channel 5 daytime show.  One of the topics up for discussion with Vine's stand-in Matt Allwright was inevitably the Ukraine, which has predictably become an opportunity for yet more Trump-bashing.  To be fair to Matt, he repeated the Donald's point that the war has dragged on for three years without so much as an olive branch from any Western power, something that has changed rapidly with his return to the White House.  However, the conversation quickly reverts back to the establishment line that the war must go on and Russia is a threat to us all.

Presenter Matt then ratchets up the fear level by raising the spectre of conscription, in order to 'put British boots' on the ground in the Ukraine.  Now Paulette belongs to a party that openly mocked Rishi Sunak when he proposed national service as one of his party's pledges ahead of last year's general election a policy that obviously was never going to happen anyway.  But now, in response to Matt's question, Paulette was suddenly open to conscription which she said invited 'serious discussion'.

Dear oh dear.  The scares are coming thick and fast now that the Ukraine money laundering scam is under threat.  That is not to say that Paulette - or Matt - are directly profiting from the Ukraine, but they are both useful idiots in the bigger scheme of things.  Hilariously, Paulette backs up her case for conscription by saying that 'our borders are being threatened'.  Unfortunately, the (imaginary) threat of which she speaks is from Russia, and not from wave upon wave of illegal migrants sailing across the Channel!

Paulette does makes a valid point about '70 years of relative peas and ar money' coming on the back of the sacrifices made by our forefathers (that's peace and harmony to non-Brummie speakers out there).

Watch the clip below...

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