Wednesday, 5 March 2025


This week's meme pretty much tells the whole story from start to finish, with only superficial details to embellish what is quite possibly one of the finest examples of 'get woke, go broke' yet...

The Parisian theatre of La Gaîté Lyrique dates back to 1862.  Now run by dumb leftists, their migrant invitation spectacularly backfired when their guests refused to leave and continue to occupy the building to this day, only their number has since more than doubled to 446.  As we might come to expect from painfully woke individuals, the management doubled down on their initial hospitality and - at a cost of tens of thousands of Euros from lost revenue - instructed staff to provide 24/7 support to the squatters.  It is not known how much extra it has cost these limp-wristed morons to feed the young men and keep them warm over the course of the winter

A bistro next door to the venue, which largely relied on theatregoers for custom, has also lost thousands in revenue due to the situation.  The owners have complained that they cannot even attract passing custom, as people are deterred by the presence of migrants hanging around outside smoking drugs.

The migrants, who appear to be exclusively African males, have staged daily demonstrations in front of the building.  Their protests have been supported by far left activists, who have formed a support group to amplify their demands for housing, claiming that the occupation is part of an 'anti-racist and anti-colonial struggle'.  They have also provided the occupiers with loudspeakers, which has created more problems for local businesses.

Last week, after 79 days of looking after the migrants, the saintly theatre staff finally decided enough was enough.  These people were employed as ushers, choreographers and wardrobe assistants - they were not trained to care for large groups of aggressive foreign males, who had created havoc during their occupation.  The staff complained that violence inside the building had grown 'increasingly severe and frequent'.  There were also reports of drug use, drug dealing and a fire that was deliberately set had to be put out by the fire service. 

With staff now refusing to work in such harrowing conditions, the theatre management were forced to issue an ultimatum to the local council.  Either the council - which ironically owns the building - house the migrants or the theatre management and its staff withdraw from the building altogether and leave the occupiers to it.  The ultimatum failed to rouse the socialist-run council and the building has now been surrendered to the migrants.

With no end in sight, the theatre management will be forced to file for bankruptcy.  Get woke, go broke!

Last week's Bond meme generated 24 comments and 13 shares on Facebook.

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